monolish  0.14.0
MONOlithic LIner equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
Namespaces | Functions
crs_mataddsub.cpp File Reference
#include "../../../../include/monolish_blas.hpp"
#include "../../../internal/monolish_internal.hpp"

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 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix, Vector and Scalar.


void monolish::blas::matadd (const matrix::CRS< double > &A, const matrix::CRS< double > &B, matrix::CRS< double > &C)
 CRS matrix addition: C = A + B (A and B must be same non-zero structure) More...
void monolish::blas::matadd (const matrix::CRS< float > &A, const matrix::CRS< float > &B, matrix::CRS< float > &C)
void monolish::blas::matsub (const matrix::CRS< double > &A, const matrix::CRS< double > &B, matrix::CRS< double > &C)
 CRS matrix subtract: C = A - B (A and B must be same non-zero structure) More...
void monolish::blas::matsub (const matrix::CRS< float > &A, const matrix::CRS< float > &B, matrix::CRS< float > &C)