monolish  0.17.2
MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
GPU Examples


The following four classes have the computable attribute:

These classes support computing on the GPU and have five functions for GPU programming.

When is linked, send() and recv() do nothing, the CPU and GPU code can be shared.

When is linked, these functions enable data communication with the GPU.

Each class is mapped to GPU memory by using the send() function. The class to which the data is transferred to the GPU behaves differently, and it becomes impossible to perform operations on the elements of vectors and matrices.

Whether the data has been transferred to the GPU can be obtained by the get_device_mem_stat() function.

The data mapped to the GPU is released from the GPU by recv() or device_free().

Most of the functions are executed on either CPU or GPU according to get_device_mem_stat() . A copy constructor is special, it is a function that copies an instance of a class. So both CPU and GPU data will be copied.

For developers, there is a nonfree_recv() function that receives data from the GPU without freeing the GPU memory. However, in the current version, there is no way to explicitly change the status of GPU memory, so it is not useful for most users.

GPU programs using monolish are implemented with the following flow in mind.

  1. First, generates data on CPU, and then
  2. Transfer data from CPU to GPU
  3. Calculate on GPU,
  4. Finally, receive data from GPU to CPU

It is important to be aware that send() and recv() should not be performed many times in order to reduce transfers.

Compute innerproduct on GPU

A simple inner product program for GPU is shown below:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
// Output log if you need
// monolish::util::set_log_level(3);
// monolish::util::set_log_filename("./monolish_test_log.txt");
size_t N = 100;
// x = {1,1,...,1}, length N
// Random vector length N with random values in the range 1.0 to 2.0
// Random seed is 123 (mt19937)
monolish::vector<double> y(N, 1.0, 2.0, 123);
// send data to GPU
// compute innerproduct
double ans = monolish::blas::dot(x, y);
std::cout << ans << std::endl;
return 0;
void send(T &x)
send data to GPU
void dot(const vector< double > &x, const vector< double > &y, double &ans)
inner product (dot)

This sample code can be found in /sample/blas/innerproduct/.

This program can be compiled by the following command.

g++ -O3 innerproduct.cpp -o innerproduct_cpu.out -lmonolish_gpu

The following command runs this.


A description of this program is given below:

  • Each class has send() and recv() functions.
  • monolish::util::send() is a convenient util function that can take variable length arguments.
  • The scalar values are automatically synchronized between the CPU and GPU.
  • The BLAS and VML functions in monolish automatically call the GPU functions when they receive data that has already been sent.
  • When is linked, send() and recv() do nothing, the CPU and GPU code can be shared.
  • In this program, x and y do not need to be received to CPU, so the memory management was left to the automatic release by the destructor.

For a more advanced example, sample programs that implement CG methods using monolish::BLAS and monolish::VML can be found in /sample/blas/cg_impl/.

Solve Ax=b on GPU

The following is a sample program that solves a linear equations; Ax=b using the conjugate gradient method with jacobi preconditioner on GPU.

This program requires only two lines of changes from the CPU program.

#include <iostream>
int main() {
// Output log if you need
// monolish::util::set_log_level(3);
// monolish::util::set_log_filename("./monolish_test_log.txt");
monolish::matrix::COO<double> A_COO("sample.mtx"); // Input from file
// Edit the matrix as needed //
// Execute A_COO.sort() after editing the matrix //
// Create CRS format matrix and convert from COO format matrix
// Length A.row()
// Random vector length A.row() with random values in the range 1.0 to 2.0
// Random seeds are 123 and 321 (mt19937)
monolish::vector<double> x(A.get_row(), 1.0, 2.0, 123);
monolish::vector<double> b(A.get_row(), 1.0, 2.0, 321);
// Create CG class
// create jacobi preconditioner
// Set preconditioner to CG solver
// Set solver options
// if you need residual history
// solver.set_print_rhistory(true);
// solver.set_rhistory_filename("./a.txt");
// Solve Ax=b by CG with jacobi
if (monolish::util::solver_check(solver.solve(A, x, b))) {
return 1;
// Recv x from GPU
// Show answer
return 0;
int solve(MATRIX &A, vector< Float > &x, vector< Float > &b)
solve Ax = b by BiCGSTAB method(lib=0: monolish)
Coodinate (COO) format Matrix (need to sort)
Compressed Row Storage (CRS) format Matrix.
void set_tol(double t)
set tolerance (default:1.0e-8)
void set_apply_precond(PRECOND &p)
set precondition apply function
void set_maxiter(size_t max)
set max iter. (default = SIZE_MAX)
void set_create_precond(PRECOND &p)
set precondition create function
void recv(T &x)
recv. and free data from GPU
bool solver_check(const int err)
check error

This sample code can be found in /sample/equation/cg/.

  • After creating the vectors and matrix A, send the data to the GPU using the monolish::util::send() function.
  • For x that requires output, explicitly receive data to the CPU using the recv() function. At this time, the memory of x on the GPU is released.
  • The CPU/GPU memory of A, A_COO, and b is released by the destructor at the end of the function.

A sample program for a templated linear equation solver can be found at sample/equation/templated_solver.

Environment variable

  • LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG= [1 or 0] : Output debug information on OpenMP Offloading at runtime
  • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= [Device num.] : Specify GPU device number