monolish  0.17.2
MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 Basic ClassesSee monolish data types page
 monolsh::vectorVector class
 monolsh::view1D1D view class
 monolsh::matrix::DenseDense format Matrix
 monolsh::matrix::COOCoodinate (COO) format Matrix
 monolsh::matrix::CRSCompressed Row Storage (CRS) format Matrix
 monolsh::matrix::LinearOperatorLinear Operator imitating Matrix
 BLASBasic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix, Vector and Scalar (see Implementation of matrix/vector operations page)
 Vector OperationsBLAS Lv1 vector operations
 Matrix-Vector OperationsBLAS Lv2 matrix-vector operations
 Matrix-Matrix OperationsBLAS Lv3 matrix-matrix operations
 VMLVector Math Library (VML) for Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix, Vector and Scalar (see Implementation of matrix/vector operations page)
 VML for VectorVML for vector
 VML for DenseVML for Dense matrix
 VML for CRSVML for CRS matrix
 VML for LinearOperatorVML for LinearOperator
 SolversLinear equation solvers for Dense and sparse matrix (see Implementation of Linear solvers page)
 Base ClassSolver base class
 Linear equationsLinear equation solvers for Dense and sparse matrix
 Standard eigenSolve eigenvalues and eigenvectors problem
 Generalized eigenSolve generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors problem
 UtilitiesUtilitie functions
 Check errorsError check functions
 Control GPU devicesSend, recv, and others.
 Performance loggerSee Performance logging and find bottlenecks page
 Get build optionsGet status of build options (SIMD, BLAS, enable GPU device, etc.)
 Generate test dataGenerate test data
 Compare dataCompare data
 OtherOther utilitie functions
 MPI class (beta)C++ template MPI class, Functions of this class do nothing when MPI is disabled. Functions in this class are under development. Currently, Many BLAS functions don't support MPI. Functions of this class does not support GPU. The user needs to communicate with the GPU before and after the call to this function if necessary
 monolish::vml::addElement by element addition Dense matrix A and Dense matrix B
 monolish::vml::subElement by element subtract Dense matrix A and Dense matrix B
 monolish::vml::mulElement by element multiplication Dense matrix A and Dense matrix B
 monolish::vml::divElement by element division Dense matrix A and Dense matrix B
 monolish::vml::addElement by element addition scalar alpha and Dense matrix A
 monolish::vml::subElement by element subtract scalar alpha and Dense matrix A
 monolish::vml::mulElement by element multiplication scalar alpha and Dense matrix A
 monolish::vml::divElement by element division scalar alpha and Dense matrix A
 monolish::vml::powPower to Dense matrix elements (C[0:N] = pow(A[0:N], B[0:N]))
 monolish::vml::powPower to Dense matrix elements by scalar value (C[0:N] = pow(A[0:N], alpha))
 monolish::vml::sinSin to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = sin(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::sqrtSqrt to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = sqrt(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::sinhSinh to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = sinh(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::asinAsin to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = asin(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::asinhAsinh to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = asinh(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::tanTan to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = tan(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::tanhTanh to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = tanh(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::atanAtan to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = atan(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::atanhAtanh to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = atanh(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::ceilCeil to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = ceil(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::floorFloor to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = floor(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::signSign to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = sign(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::expExp to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = exp(A[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::maxCreate a new Dense matrix with greatest elements of two matrices (C[0:nnz] = max(A[0:nnz], B[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::minCreate a new Dense matrix with smallest elements of two matrices (C[0:nnz] = min(A[0:nnz], B[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::maxCreate a new Dense matrix with greatest elements of Dense matrix or scalar (C[0:nnz] = max(A[0:nnz], alpha))
 monolish::vml::minCreate a new Dense matrix with smallest elements of Dense matrix or scalar (C[0:nnz] = min(A[0:nnz], alpha))
 monolish::vml::maxFinds the greatest element in Dense matrix (max(C[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::minFinds the smallest element in Dense matrix (min(C[0:nnz]))
 monolish::vml::aloAsymmetric linear operation to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = alpha max(A[0:nnz], 0) + beta min(A[0:nnz], 0))
 monolish::vml::reciprocalCompute reciprocal to Dense matrix elements (C[0:nnz] = 1 / A[0:nnz])