monolish  0.17.2
MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
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monolish::mpi::comm Class Reference

MPI class (singleton) More...

#include <monolish_mpi_core.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for monolish::mpi::comm:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

double Allreduce (double val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
float Allreduce (float val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
int Allreduce (int val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
size_t Allreduce (size_t val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
double Allreduce_max (double val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
float Allreduce_max (float val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
int Allreduce_max (int val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
size_t Allreduce_max (size_t val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
double Allreduce_min (double val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
float Allreduce_min (float val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
int Allreduce_min (int val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
size_t Allreduce_min (size_t val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
double Allreduce_prod (double val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
float Allreduce_prod (float val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
int Allreduce_prod (int val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
size_t Allreduce_prod (size_t val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
double Allreduce_sum (double val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
float Allreduce_sum (float val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
int Allreduce_sum (int val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
size_t Allreduce_sum (size_t val) const
 MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes. More...
void Barrier () const
 Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine. More...
void Bcast (double &val, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (float &val, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (int &val, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (monolish::vector< double > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (monolish::vector< float > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (size_t &val, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (std::vector< double > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (std::vector< float > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (std::vector< int > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
void Bcast (std::vector< size_t > &vec, int root) const
 MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes. More...
 comm (comm &&)=delete
 comm (const comm &)=delete
void Finalize ()
 Terminates MPI execution environment. More...
void Gather (monolish::vector< double > &sendvec, monolish::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Gather (monolish::vector< float > &sendvec, monolish::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Gather (std::vector< double > &sendvec, std::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Gather (std::vector< float > &sendvec, std::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Gather (std::vector< int > &sendvec, std::vector< int > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Gather (std::vector< size_t > &sendvec, std::vector< size_t > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
MPI_Comm get_comm () const
 get communicator More...
int get_rank ()
 get my rank number More...
int get_size ()
 get the number of processes More...
void Init ()
 Initialize the MPI execution environment. More...
void Init (int argc, char **argv)
 Initialize the MPI execution environment. More...
bool Initialized () const
 Indicates whether MPI_Init has been called. More...
void Irecv (double val, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (float val, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (int val, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (monolish::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (monolish::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (size_t val, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (std::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (std::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (std::vector< int > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Irecv (std::vector< size_t > &vec, int src, int tag)
 MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv. More...
void Isend (const monolish::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (const monolish::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (const std::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (const std::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (const std::vector< int > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (const std::vector< size_t > &vec, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (double val, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (float val, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (int val, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
void Isend (size_t val, int dst, int tag)
 MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall(). More...
commoperator= (comm &&)=delete
commoperator= (const comm &)=delete
MPI_Status Recv (double val, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (float val, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (int val, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (monolish::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (monolish::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (size_t val, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (std::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (std::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (std::vector< int > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
MPI_Status Recv (std::vector< size_t > &vec, int src, int tag) const
 MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv. More...
void Scatter (monolish::vector< double > &sendvec, monolish::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Scatter (monolish::vector< float > &sendvec, monolish::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Scatter (std::vector< double > &sendvec, std::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Scatter (std::vector< float > &sendvec, std::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Scatter (std::vector< int > &sendvec, std::vector< int > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Scatter (std::vector< size_t > &sendvec, std::vector< size_t > &recvvec, int root) const
 MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process. More...
void Send (double val, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (float val, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (int val, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (monolish::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (monolish::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (size_t val, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (std::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (std::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (std::vector< int > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void Send (std::vector< size_t > &vec, int dst, int tag) const
 MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send. More...
void set_comm (MPI_Comm external_comm)
 set communicator More...
void Waitall ()
 Waits for all communications to complete. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static commget_instance ()

Private Member Functions

 comm ()
 ~comm ()

Private Attributes

MPI_Comm my_comm = 0
 MPI communicator, MPI_COMM_WORLD. More...
std::vector< MPI_Requestrequests

Detailed Description

MPI class (singleton)

Definition at line 22 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ comm() [1/3]

monolish::mpi::comm::comm ( )

Definition at line 28 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

◆ ~comm()

monolish::mpi::comm::~comm ( )

Definition at line 29 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

◆ comm() [2/3]

monolish::mpi::comm::comm ( const comm )

◆ comm() [3/3]

monolish::mpi::comm::comm ( comm &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Allreduce() [1/4]

double monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce ( double  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce() [2/4]

float monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce ( float  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce() [3/4]

int monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce ( int  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce() [4/4]

size_t monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce ( size_t  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_max() [1/4]

double monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_max ( double  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_max() [2/4]

float monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_max ( float  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_max() [3/4]

int monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_max ( int  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_max() [4/4]

size_t monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_max ( size_t  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MAX) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_min() [1/4]

double monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_min ( double  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_min() [2/4]

float monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_min ( float  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_min() [3/4]

int monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_min ( int  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_min() [4/4]

size_t monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_min ( size_t  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_MIN) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_prod() [1/4]

double monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_prod ( double  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_prod() [2/4]

float monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_prod ( float  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_prod() [3/4]

int monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_prod ( int  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_prod() [4/4]

size_t monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_prod ( size_t  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_PROD) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_sum() [1/4]

double monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_sum ( double  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_sum() [2/4]

float monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_sum ( float  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_sum() [3/4]

int monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_sum ( int  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Allreduce_sum() [4/4]

size_t monolish::mpi::comm::Allreduce_sum ( size_t  val) const

MPI_Allreduce (MPI_SUM) for scalar. Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.

valscalar value

◆ Barrier()

void monolish::mpi::comm::Barrier ( ) const

Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.

◆ Bcast() [1/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( double &  val,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

valscalar value
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [2/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( float &  val,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

valscalar value
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [3/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( int &  val,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

valscalar value
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [4/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( monolish::vector< double > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecmonolish vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [5/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( monolish::vector< float > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecmonolish vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [6/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( size_t &  val,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

valscalar value
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [7/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( std::vector< double > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecstd::vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [8/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( std::vector< float > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecstd::vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [9/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( std::vector< int > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecstd::vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Bcast() [10/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Bcast ( std::vector< size_t > &  vec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Bcast, Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes.

vecstd::vector (size N)
rootroot rank number

◆ Finalize()

void monolish::mpi::comm::Finalize ( )

Terminates MPI execution environment.

◆ Gather() [1/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( monolish::vector< double > &  sendvec,
monolish::vector< double > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, monolish vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, monolish vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Gather() [2/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( monolish::vector< float > &  sendvec,
monolish::vector< float > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, monolish vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, monolish vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Gather() [3/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( std::vector< double > &  sendvec,
std::vector< double > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Gather() [4/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( std::vector< float > &  sendvec,
std::vector< float > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Gather() [5/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( std::vector< int > &  sendvec,
std::vector< int > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Gather() [6/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Gather ( std::vector< size_t > &  sendvec,
std::vector< size_t > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Gather, Gathers vector from all processes The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std vector (size N * # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ get_comm()

MPI_Comm monolish::mpi::comm::get_comm ( ) const

get communicator


Definition at line 68 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

◆ get_instance()

static comm& monolish::mpi::comm::get_instance ( )

Definition at line 39 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

◆ get_rank()

int monolish::mpi::comm::get_rank ( )

get my rank number

rank number

◆ get_size()

int monolish::mpi::comm::get_size ( )

get the number of processes

the number of prodessed

◆ Init() [1/2]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Init ( )

Initialize the MPI execution environment.

◆ Init() [2/2]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Init ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Initialize the MPI execution environment.

argcPointer to the number of arguments
argvPointer to the argument vector

◆ Initialized()

bool monolish::mpi::comm::Initialized ( ) const

Indicates whether MPI_Init has been called.

true: initialized, false: not initialized

◆ Irecv() [1/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( double  val,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [2/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( float  val,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [3/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( int  val,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [4/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( monolish::vector< double > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function. This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [5/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( monolish::vector< float > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function. This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [6/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( size_t  val,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for scalar. Performs a nonblocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [7/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( std::vector< double > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [8/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( std::vector< float > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [9/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( std::vector< int > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Irecv() [10/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Irecv ( std::vector< size_t > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 

MPI_Irecv for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [1/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const monolish::vector< double > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function. This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [2/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const monolish::vector< float > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for monolish::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function. This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [3/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const std::vector< double > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [4/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const std::vector< float > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [5/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const std::vector< int > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [6/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( const std::vector< size_t > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for std::vector. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [7/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( double  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [8/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( float  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [9/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( int  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ Isend() [10/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Isend ( size_t  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 

MPI_Isend for scalar. Performs a nonblocking send. Requests are stored internally. All requests are synchronized by Waitall().

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
There is not MPI_Wait() in monolish::mpi, all communication is synchronized by using Waitall() function.
This function is not thread-safe.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

comm& monolish::mpi::comm::operator= ( comm &&  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

comm& monolish::mpi::comm::operator= ( const comm )

◆ Recv() [1/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( double  val,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [2/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( float  val,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [3/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( int  val,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [4/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( monolish::vector< double > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Recv() [5/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( monolish::vector< float > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Recv() [6/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( size_t  val,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for scalar. Performs a blocking recv.

valscalar value
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [7/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( std::vector< double > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [8/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( std::vector< float > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [9/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( std::vector< int > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Recv() [10/10]

MPI_Status monolish::mpi::comm::Recv ( std::vector< size_t > &  vec,
int  src,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Recv for std::vector. Performs a blocking recv.

vecstd::vector (size N)
srcrank of source
tagmessage tag
MPI status object

◆ Scatter() [1/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( monolish::vector< double > &  sendvec,
monolish::vector< double > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, monolish vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, monolish vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Scatter() [2/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( monolish::vector< float > &  sendvec,
monolish::vector< float > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, monolish vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, monolish vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Scatter() [3/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( std::vector< double > &  sendvec,
std::vector< double > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std::vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std::vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Scatter() [4/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( std::vector< float > &  sendvec,
std::vector< float > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std::vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std::vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Scatter() [5/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( std::vector< int > &  sendvec,
std::vector< int > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std::vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std::vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Scatter() [6/6]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Scatter ( std::vector< size_t > &  sendvec,
std::vector< size_t > &  recvvec,
int  root 
) const

MPI_Scatter, Sends data from one task to all tasks. The data is evenly divided and transmitted to each process.

sendvecsend data, std::vector (size N)
recvvecrecv data, std::vector (size N / # of procs)
rootroot rank number

◆ Send() [1/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( double  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send.

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [2/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( float  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send.

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [3/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( int  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send.

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [4/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( monolish::vector< double > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Send() [5/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( monolish::vector< float > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for monolish::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecmonolish::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag
MPI functions do not support GPUs. The user needs to send and receive data to and from the GPU before and after the MPI function.

◆ Send() [6/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( size_t  val,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for scalar. Performs a blocking send.

valscalar value
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [7/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( std::vector< double > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [8/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( std::vector< float > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [9/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( std::vector< int > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ Send() [10/10]

void monolish::mpi::comm::Send ( std::vector< size_t > &  vec,
int  dst,
int  tag 
) const

MPI_Send for std::vector. Performs a blocking send.

vecstd::vector (size N)
dstrank of destination
tagmessage tag

◆ set_comm()

void monolish::mpi::comm::set_comm ( MPI_Comm  external_comm)

set communicator

◆ Waitall()

void monolish::mpi::comm::Waitall ( )

Waits for all communications to complete.

Member Data Documentation

◆ my_comm

MPI_Comm monolish::mpi::comm::my_comm = 0

MPI communicator, MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Definition at line 27 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

◆ requests

std::vector<MPI_Request> monolish::mpi::comm::requests

Definition at line 31 of file monolish_mpi_core.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: