MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
This is the complete list of members for monolish::mpi::comm, including all inherited members.
Allreduce(double val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce(float val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce(int val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce(size_t val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_max(double val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_max(float val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_max(int val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_max(size_t val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_min(double val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_min(float val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_min(int val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_min(size_t val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_prod(double val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_prod(float val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_prod(int val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_prod(size_t val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_sum(double val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_sum(float val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_sum(int val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Allreduce_sum(size_t val) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Barrier() const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(double &val, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(float &val, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(int &val, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(size_t &val, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(monolish::vector< double > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(monolish::vector< float > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(std::vector< double > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(std::vector< float > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(std::vector< int > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Bcast(std::vector< size_t > &vec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
comm() | monolish::mpi::comm | inlineprivate |
comm(const comm &)=delete | monolish::mpi::comm | |
comm(comm &&)=delete | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Finalize() | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(monolish::vector< double > &sendvec, monolish::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(monolish::vector< float > &sendvec, monolish::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(std::vector< double > &sendvec, std::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(std::vector< float > &sendvec, std::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(std::vector< int > &sendvec, std::vector< int > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Gather(std::vector< size_t > &sendvec, std::vector< size_t > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
get_comm() const | monolish::mpi::comm | inline |
get_instance() | monolish::mpi::comm | inlinestatic |
get_rank() | monolish::mpi::comm | |
get_size() | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Init() | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Init(int argc, char **argv) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Initialized() const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(double val, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(float val, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(int val, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(size_t val, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(std::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(std::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(std::vector< int > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(std::vector< size_t > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(monolish::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Irecv(monolish::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(double val, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(float val, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(int val, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(size_t val, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const std::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const std::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const std::vector< int > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const std::vector< size_t > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const monolish::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Isend(const monolish::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
my_comm | monolish::mpi::comm | private |
operator=(const comm &)=delete | monolish::mpi::comm | |
operator=(comm &&)=delete | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(double val, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(float val, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(int val, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(size_t val, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(std::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(std::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(std::vector< int > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(std::vector< size_t > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(monolish::vector< double > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Recv(monolish::vector< float > &vec, int src, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
requests | monolish::mpi::comm | private |
Scatter(monolish::vector< double > &sendvec, monolish::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Scatter(monolish::vector< float > &sendvec, monolish::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Scatter(std::vector< double > &sendvec, std::vector< double > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Scatter(std::vector< float > &sendvec, std::vector< float > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Scatter(std::vector< int > &sendvec, std::vector< int > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Scatter(std::vector< size_t > &sendvec, std::vector< size_t > &recvvec, int root) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(double val, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(float val, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(int val, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(size_t val, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(std::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(std::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(std::vector< int > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(std::vector< size_t > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(monolish::vector< double > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Send(monolish::vector< float > &vec, int dst, int tag) const | monolish::mpi::comm | |
set_comm(MPI_Comm external_comm) | monolish::mpi::comm | |
Waitall() | monolish::mpi::comm | |
~comm() | monolish::mpi::comm | inlineprivate |