monolish  0.17.3-dev.16
MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NmonolishMonolish namespaces
 NblasBasic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix, Vector and Scalar
 NequationLinear equation solvers for Dense and sparse matrix
 CBiCGSTABBiCGSTAB solver class
 CCGCG solver class
 CCholeskyCholesky solver class
 CICIncomplete Cholesky solver class
 CILUIncomplete LU solver class
 CJacobiJacobi solver class
 CLULU solver class
 CnoneNone solver class(nothing to do)
 CQRQR solver class
 CSORSOR solver class
 Ngeneralized_eigenHandling eigenvalues and eigenvectors
 CDCDevide and Conquer solver
 NmatrixDeclare sparse and dense matrix class
 CCOOCoodinate (COO) format Matrix (need to sort)
 CCRSCompressed Row Storage (CRS) format Matrix
 CDenseDense format Matrix
 CLinearOperatorLinear Operator imitating Matrix
 NmpiC++ template MPI class, Functions of this class do nothing when MPI is disabled. Functions in this class are under development. Currently, Many BLAS functions don't support MPI. Functions of this class does not support GPU. The user needs to communicate with the GPU before and after the call to this function if necessary
 CcommMPI class (singleton)
 NsolverLinear solver base class
 CpreconditionPrecondition base class
 CsolverSolver base class
 Nstandard_eigenHandling eigenvalues and eigenvectors
 CDCDevide and Conquer solver
 NtensorDeclare dense tensor class
 NutilMonolish utilities
 NvmlVector and Matrix element-wise math library
 CLoggerLogger class (singleton, for developper class)
 CvectorVector class
 Cview1D1D view class
 Cview_DenseDense view class
 Cview_tensor_DenseDense view class