Source code for graphlow.base.mesh

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
from typing import Any, Literal

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
import torch
from scipy import sparse as sp

from graphlow.base.dict_tensor import GraphlowDictTensor
from graphlow.base.mesh_interface import IReadOnlyGraphlowMesh
from graphlow.base.tensor_property import GraphlowTensorProperty
from graphlow.processors.geometry_processor import GeometryProcessor
from graphlow.processors.graph_processor import GraphProcessor
from graphlow.processors.isoAM_processor import IsoAMProcessor
from graphlow.util import array_handler, constants
from graphlow.util.enums import FeatureName, SparseMatrixName
from graphlow.util.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class GraphlowMesh(IReadOnlyGraphlowMesh): def __init__( self, pvmesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, *, dict_point_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor | None = None, dict_cell_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor | None = None, dict_sparse_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor | None = None, device: torch.device | int = -1, dtype: torch.dtype | type | None = None, ): """Initialize GraphlowMesh object. Parameters ---------- mesh: pyvista.PointGrid Mesh data. dict_point_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor | None dict_tensor: dict[str, graphlow.ArrayDataType] Dict of tensor data. device: torch.device | int Device ID. int < 0 implies CPU. dtype: torch.dtype | type | None Data type. """ self._geometry_processor = GeometryProcessor() self._graph_processor = GraphProcessor() self._isoAM_processor = IsoAMProcessor() self._tensor_property = GraphlowTensorProperty( device=device, dtype=dtype ) self._pvmesh = pvmesh.cast_to_unstructured_grid() self._dict_point_tensor = dict_point_tensor or GraphlowDictTensor( {}, length=self.n_points, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ) if FeatureName.POINTS not in self._dict_point_tensor: self._dict_point_tensor.update( {FeatureName.POINTS: self.pvmesh.points} ) self._dict_cell_tensor = dict_cell_tensor or GraphlowDictTensor( {}, length=self.n_cells, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ) self._dict_sparse_tensor = dict_sparse_tensor or GraphlowDictTensor( {}, length=None, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ) self.copy_features_from_pyvista(overwrite=True) self.send() return @property def pvmesh(self) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid: return self._pvmesh @property def points(self) -> torch.Tensor: return self.dict_point_tensor[FeatureName.POINTS] @property def n_points(self) -> int: return self._pvmesh.n_points @property def n_cells(self) -> int: return self._pvmesh.n_cells @property def dict_point_tensor(self) -> GraphlowDictTensor: return self._dict_point_tensor @property def dict_cell_tensor(self) -> GraphlowDictTensor: return self._dict_cell_tensor @property def dict_sparse_tensor(self) -> GraphlowDictTensor: return self._dict_sparse_tensor @property def device(self) -> torch.device: return self._tensor_property.device @property def dtype(self) -> torch.dtype: return self._tensor_property.dtype
[docs] def save( self, file_name: pathlib.Path | str, *, binary: bool = True, cast: bool = True, remove_time: bool = True, overwrite_features: bool = False, overwrite_file: bool = False, ): """Save mesh data. On writing, dict_point_tensor and dict_cell_tensor will be copied to pyvista mesh. Parameters ---------- file_name: pathlib.Path | str File name to be written. If the parent directory does not exist, it will be created. binary: bool If True, write binary file. The default is True. cast: bool If True, cast mesh if needed. The default is True. remove_time: bool If True, remove TimeValue field data. overwrite_features: bool If True, allow overwriting features. The default is False. overwrite_file: bool If True, allow overwriting the file. The default is False. """ file_path = pathlib.Path(file_name) if not overwrite_file and file_path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"{file_path} already exists.") file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.copy_features_to_pyvista(overwrite=overwrite_features) if not cast:, binary=binary)"File writtein in: {file_name}") return if remove_time: self.pvmesh.field_data.pop(FeatureName.TIME_VALUE, None) ext = file_path.suffix.lstrip(".") if ext in constants.UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_EXTENSIONS: unstructured_grid = self.pvmesh.cast_to_unstructured_grid(), binary=binary)"File writtein in: {file_name}") return if ext in constants.POLYDATA_EXTENSIONS: if isinstance(self.pvmesh, pv.PolyData):, binary=binary) return poly_data = self.pvmesh.extract_surface(), binary=binary)"File writtein in: {file_name}") return raise ValueError(f"Unexpected extension: {ext}")
[docs] def send( self, *, device: torch.device | int | None = None, dtype: torch.dtype | type | None = None, ): """Convert features to the specified device and dtype. It does not modify pyvista mesh. Parameters ---------- device: torch.device | int | None dtype: torch.dtype | type | None """ self._tensor_property.device = device or self.device self._tensor_property.dtype = dtype or self.dtype self._dict_point_tensor.send(device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype) self._dict_cell_tensor.send(device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype) self._dict_sparse_tensor.send(device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype) return
[docs] def copy_features_from_pyvista(self, *, overwrite: bool = False): """Copy point and cell data from pyvista mesh. Parameters ---------- overwrite: bool If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False. """ self.dict_point_tensor.update( self.pvmesh.point_data, overwrite=overwrite ) self.dict_cell_tensor.update(self.pvmesh.cell_data, overwrite=overwrite) return
[docs] def copy_features_to_pyvista(self, *, overwrite: bool = False): """Copy point and cell tensor data to pyvista mesh. Parameters ---------- overwrite: bool If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False. """ self.update_pyvista_data( self.dict_point_tensor, self.pvmesh.point_data, overwrite=overwrite ) self.update_pyvista_data( self.dict_cell_tensor, self.pvmesh.cell_data, overwrite=overwrite ) return
[docs] def update_pyvista_data( self, dict_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor, pyvista_dataset: pv.DataSetAttributes, *, overwrite: bool = False, ): """Update PyVista dataset with the specified GraphlowDictTensor. Parameters ---------- dict_tensor: graphlow.GraphlowDictTensor DataSet to update. Typically dict_point_tensor or dict_cell_tensor. pyvista_dataset: pyvista.DataSetAttributes DataSet to be updated. Typically point_data or cell_data. overwrite: bool If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False. """ if not overwrite: for key in dict_tensor.keys(): if key in pyvista_dataset: keys = list(pyvista_dataset.keys()) raise ValueError(f"{key} already exists in {keys}") pyvista_dataset.update(dict_tensor.convert_to_numpy_scipy()) return
[docs] def add_original_index(self): """Set original indices to points and cells. We do not use vtkOriginalPointIds and vtkOriginalCellIds because they are hidden. """ self.pvmesh.point_data[FeatureName.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = np.arange( self.pvmesh.n_points ) self.pvmesh.cell_data[FeatureName.ORIGINAL_INDEX] = np.arange( self.pvmesh.n_cells ) return
[docs] def extract_surface( self, add_original_index: bool = True, pass_point_data: bool = False, ) -> GraphlowMesh: """Extract surface. Parameters ---------- add_original_index: bool, optional [True] If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation. pass_point_data: bool, optional [False] If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh. Returns ------- graphlow.GraphlowMesh Extracted surface mesh. """ if add_original_index or pass_point_data: self.add_original_index() pv_surface = self.pvmesh.extract_surface( pass_pointid=False, pass_cellid=False ) surface = GraphlowMesh( pv_surface, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) if not pass_point_data: return surface point_rel_incidence = self.compute_point_relative_incidence(surface) point_tensor = self.dict_point_tensor.extract_by_rel_incidence( point_rel_incidence ) surface.dict_point_tensor.update(point_tensor, overwrite=True) return surface
[docs] def extract_cells( self, ind: Any, invert: bool = False, add_original_index: bool = True, pass_point_data: bool = False, pass_cell_data: bool = False, ) -> GraphlowMesh: """Extract cells by indices. Parameters ---------- ind : sequence[int] Numpy array of cell indices to be extracted. invert : bool, optional [False] Invert the selection. add_original_index: bool, optional [True] If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation. pass_point_data: bool, optional [False] If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh. pass_cell_data: bool, optional [False] If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_cell_data from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the cell information of this mesh. Returns ------- graphlow.GraphlowMesh Extracted cells mesh. """ if add_original_index or pass_point_data or pass_cell_data: self.add_original_index() pv_extracted = self.pvmesh.extract_cells(ind, invert=invert) extracted = GraphlowMesh( pv_extracted, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) if pass_point_data: point_rel_incidence = self.compute_point_relative_incidence( extracted ) point_tensor = self.dict_point_tensor.extract_by_rel_incidence( point_rel_incidence ) extracted.dict_point_tensor.update(point_tensor, overwrite=True) if pass_cell_data: cell_rel_incidence = self.compute_cell_relative_incidence(extracted) cell_tensor = self.dict_cell_tensor.extract_by_rel_incidence( cell_rel_incidence ) extracted.dict_cell_tensor.update(cell_tensor, overwrite=True) return extracted
[docs] def extract_facets( self, add_original_index: bool = True, pass_point_data: bool = False, ) -> GraphlowMesh: """Extract all internal/external facets of the volume mesh with (n_faces, n_cells)-shaped sparse signed incidence matrix Parameters ---------- add_original_index: bool, optional [True] If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation. pass_point_data: bool, optional [False] If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh. Returns ------- facets: graphlow.GraphlowMesh Extracted facets mesh. """ if add_original_index or pass_point_data: self.add_original_index() poly, scipy_fc_inc = self._extract_facets_impl() fc_inc = array_handler.convert_to_torch_sparse_csr( scipy_fc_inc.astype(float), device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) dict_sparse_tensor = GraphlowDictTensor( {SparseMatrixName.FACET_CELL_INCIDENCE: fc_inc}, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.dict_sparse_tensor.update(dict_sparse_tensor, overwrite=True) extracted = GraphlowMesh( poly.cast_to_unstructured_grid(), dict_sparse_tensor=dict_sparse_tensor, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) if not pass_point_data: return extracted point_rel_incidence = self.compute_point_relative_incidence(extracted) point_tensor = self.dict_point_tensor.extract_by_rel_incidence( point_rel_incidence ) extracted.dict_point_tensor.update(point_tensor, overwrite=True) return extracted
def _extract_facets_impl(self) -> tuple[pv.PolyData, sp.csr_array]: """Implementation of `extract_facets` Returns ------- pyvista.PolyData PolyData with all internal/external faces registered as cells scipy.sparse.csr_array (n_faces, n_cells)-shaped sparse signed incidence matrix """ vol = self.pvmesh polygon_cells = [] sign_values = [] row_indices = [] col_indices = [] n_facets = 0 n_cells = vol.n_cells cell_centers = torch.from_numpy(self.pvmesh.cell_centers().points).to( device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ) facet_idmap = {} for cell_id in range(n_cells): cell = vol.get_cell(cell_id) cell_center = cell_centers[cell_id] for j in range(cell.n_faces): face = cell.get_face(j).point_ids vtk_polygon_cell = [len(face), *face] # check orientation face_points = self.points[face] face_center = torch.mean(face_points, dim=0) side_vec = face_points - face_center cc2fc = face_center - cell_center cross = torch.linalg.cross( side_vec, torch.roll(side_vec, shifts=-1, dims=0) ) normal = torch.mean(cross, dim=0) dot =, normal) sign_value = 0 if dot < 0: sign_value = -1 else: sign_value = 1 # check duplicated face tri = tuple(sorted(face)[0:3]) if tri in facet_idmap: facet_id, sign = facet_idmap[tri] sign_value = -sign else: facet_id = n_facets facet_idmap[tri] = (facet_id, sign_value) n_facets += 1 polygon_cells.extend(vtk_polygon_cell) sign_values.append(sign_value) row_indices.append(facet_id) col_indices.append(cell_id) poly = pv.PolyData(self.points.detach().numpy(), polygon_cells) for k, v in vol.point_data.items(): poly.point_data[k] = v scipy_fc_inc = sp.csr_array( (sign_values, (row_indices, col_indices)), shape=(n_facets, n_cells), ) return poly, scipy_fc_inc
[docs] def convert_elemental2nodal( self, elemental_data: torch.Tensor, mode: Literal["mean", "effective"] = "mean", ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.convert_elemental2nodal( self, elemental_data, mode )
[docs] def convert_nodal2elemental( self, nodal_data: torch.Tensor, mode: Literal["mean", "effective"] = "mean", ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.convert_nodal2elemental( self, nodal_data, mode )
[docs] def compute_median( self, data: torch.Tensor, mode: Literal["elemental", "nodal"] = "elemental", n_hop: int = 1, ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.compute_median(self, data, mode, n_hop)
[docs] def compute_area_vecs(self) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.compute_area_vecs(self)
[docs] def compute_areas(self, allow_negative_area: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.compute_areas(self, allow_negative_area)
[docs] def compute_volumes( self, allow_negative_volume: bool = True ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.compute_volumes( self, allow_negative_volume )
[docs] def compute_normals(self) -> torch.Tensor: return self._geometry_processor.compute_normals(self)
[docs] def compute_isoAM( self, with_moment_matrix: bool = True, consider_volume: bool = False ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: return self._isoAM_processor.compute_isoAM( self, with_moment_matrix, consider_volume )
[docs] def compute_isoAM_with_neumann( self, normal_weight: float = 10.0, with_moment_matrix: bool = True, consider_volume: bool = False, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]: return self._isoAM_processor.compute_isoAM_with_neumann( self, normal_weight, with_moment_matrix, consider_volume )
[docs] def compute_cell_point_incidence( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_cell_point_incidence( self, refresh_cache )
[docs] def compute_cell_adjacency( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_cell_adjacency(self, refresh_cache)
[docs] def compute_point_adjacency( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_point_adjacency( self, refresh_cache )
[docs] def compute_point_degree(self, refresh_cache: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_point_degree(self, refresh_cache)
[docs] def compute_cell_degree(self, refresh_cache: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_cell_degree(self, refresh_cache)
[docs] def compute_normalized_point_adjacency( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_normalized_point_adjacency( self, refresh_cache )
[docs] def compute_normalized_cell_adjacency( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_normalized_cell_adjacency( self, refresh_cache )
[docs] def compute_point_relative_incidence( self, other_mesh: IReadOnlyGraphlowMesh ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_point_relative_incidence( self, other_mesh )
[docs] def compute_cell_relative_incidence( self, other_mesh: IReadOnlyGraphlowMesh, minimum_n_sharing: int | None = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: return self._graph_processor.compute_cell_relative_incidence( self, other_mesh, minimum_n_sharing=minimum_n_sharing, )
[docs] def compute_facet_cell_incidence( self, refresh_cache: bool = False ) -> torch.Tensor: if ( not refresh_cache and SparseMatrixName.FACET_CELL_INCIDENCE in self.dict_sparse_tensor ): return self.dict_sparse_tensor[ SparseMatrixName.FACET_CELL_INCIDENCE ] _ = self.extract_facets(add_original_index=True) return self.dict_sparse_tensor[SparseMatrixName.FACET_CELL_INCIDENCE]