graphlow.base package¶
graphlow.base.dict_tensor module¶
- class graphlow.base.dict_tensor.GraphlowDictTensor(dict_tensor, length=None, *, time_series=False, device=-1, dtype=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
dict_tensor (GraphlowDictTensor | dict[KeyType, ArrayDataType])
length (int | None)
time_series (bool | list[bool])
device (torch.device | int)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- property device: device¶
- property dict_tensor: dict[str | Enum, GraphlowTensor]¶
- property dtype: dtype¶
- extract_by_rel_incidence(rel_incidence)[source]¶
Extract data GraphlowDictTensor by the relative incidence matrix.
- Parameters:
rel_incidence (torch.Tensor) – (n_other_data, n_self_data)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Returns:
Extracted data.
- Return type:
- send(*, device=None, dtype=None)[source]¶
Convert features to the specified device and dtype.
- Parameters:
device (torch.device | int | None)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- update(dict_tensor, *, time_series=False, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Update GraphlowDictTensor with input dict.
- Parameters:
dict_data (dict | graphlow.GraphlowDictTensor)
overwrite (bool) – If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False.
dict_tensor (GraphlowDictTensor | dict[str | Enum, ndarray | sparray | Tensor])
time_series (bool | list[bool])
graphlow.base.mesh module¶
- class graphlow.base.mesh.GraphlowMesh(pvmesh, *, dict_point_tensor=None, dict_cell_tensor=None, dict_sparse_tensor=None, device=-1, dtype=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
pvmesh (pv.UnstructuredGrid)
dict_point_tensor (GraphlowDictTensor | None)
dict_cell_tensor (GraphlowDictTensor | None)
dict_sparse_tensor (GraphlowDictTensor | None)
device (torch.device | int)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- add_original_index()[source]¶
Set original indices to points and cells. We do not use vtkOriginalPointIds and vtkOriginalCellIds because they are hidden.
- compute_area_vecs()[source]¶
Compute (n_elements, dims)-shaped area vectors.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Return type:
- compute_areas(allow_negative_area=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_elements,)-shaped areas.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Parameters:
allow_negative_area (bool, optional [False])
- Return type:
- compute_cell_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse adjacency matrix including self-loops. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_cell_degree(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped degree matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the degree matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_cell_point_incidence(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_points)-shaped sparse incidence matrix. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the incidence matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_cell_relative_incidence(other_mesh, minimum_n_sharing=None)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells_other, n_cells_self)-shaped sparse incidence matrix based on cells.
- Parameters:
other_mesh (graphlow.GraphlowMesh) – Other mesh object to be
minimum_n_sharing (int | None) – Minimum number of sharing points to define connectivity. If not set, it will be the number of points for each cell.
- Returns:
(n_cells_other, n_cells_self)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_facet_cell_incidence(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_facets, n_cells)-shaped sparse incidence matrix.
- Parameters:
cache (bool, optional [True]) – If True, the result is cached.
refresh_cache (bool)
- Returns:
(n_facets, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_isoAM(with_moment_matrix=True, consider_volume=False)[source]¶
Compute (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped isoAM.
- Parameters:
with_moment_matrix (bool, optional [True]) – If True, scale the matrix with moment matrices, which are tensor products of relative position tensors.
consider_volume (bool, optional [False]) – If True, consider effective volume of each vertex.
- Returns:
isoAM (torch.Tensor | None) – (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor
Minv (torch.Tensor | None) –
- if with_moment_matrix is True,
return (n_points, dims, dims)-shaped tensor
- if with_moment_matrix is False,
return None
- Return type:
tuple[Tensor, Tensor | None]
- compute_isoAM_with_neumann(normal_weight=10.0, with_moment_matrix=True, consider_volume=False)[source]¶
Compute (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped Neumann boundary model IsoAM.
- Parameters:
normal_weight (float, optional [10.0]) – Weight of the normal vector.
with_moment_matrix (bool, optional [True]) – If True, scale the matrix with moment matrices, which are tensor products of relative position tensors.
consider_volume (bool, optional [False]) – If True, consider effective volume of each vertex.
- Returns:
NIsoAM (torch.Tensor) – (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor
weighted_normals (torch.Tensor) – (n_points, dims)-shaped tensor
Minv (torch.Tensor | None) –
- if with_moment_matrix is True,
return (n_points, dims, dims)-shaped tensor
- if with_moment_matrix is False,
return None
- Return type:
tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor | None]
- compute_median(data, mode='elemental', n_hop=1)[source]¶
Perform median filter according with adjacency of the mesh.
- Parameters:
data (torch.Tensor) – data to be filtered.
mode (str, "elemental", or "nodal", default: "elemental") – specify the mode of the data.
n_hop (int, optional [1]) – The number of hops to make filtering.
- Return type:
- compute_normalized_cell_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped normalized adjacency matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the normalized adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_normalized_point_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped normalized adjacency matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the normalized adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_normals()[source]¶
Compute (n_elements, dims)-shaped normals.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Return type:
- compute_point_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse adjacency matrix including self-loops. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_point_degree(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped degree matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the degree matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_point_relative_incidence(other_mesh)[source]¶
Compute (n_points_other, n_points_self)-shaped sparse incidence matrix based on points.
- Parameters:
other_mesh (graphlow.GraphlowMesh) – Other mesh object to be
- Returns:
(n_points_other, n_points_self)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- compute_volumes(allow_negative_volume=True)[source]¶
Compute (n_elements,)-shaped volumes.
- Parameters:
allow_negative_volume (bool, optional [True]) – If True, compute the signed volume.
- Return type:
- convert_elemental2nodal(elemental_data, mode='mean')[source]¶
Convert elemental data to nodal data.
- Parameters:
elemental_data (torch.Tensor) – elemental data to convert.
mode ("mean", or "effective", default: "mean") – The way to convert. - “mean”: averages the values of elements connected to each node. (default) - “effective”: distributes element information to the connected nodes, ensuring consistent volume.
- Return type:
- convert_nodal2elemental(nodal_data, mode='mean')[source]¶
Convert nodal data to elemental data.
- Parameters:
nodal_data (torch.Tensor) – nodal data to convert.
mode ("mean", or "effective", default: "mean") – The way to convert. - “mean”: averages the values of nodes connected to each element. (default) - “effective”: distributes node information to the connected elements, ensuring consistent volume.
- Return type:
- copy_features_from_pyvista(*, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Copy point and cell data from pyvista mesh.
- Parameters:
overwrite (bool) – If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False.
- copy_features_to_pyvista(*, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Copy point and cell tensor data to pyvista mesh.
- Parameters:
overwrite (bool) – If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False.
- property device: device¶
- property dict_cell_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- property dict_point_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- property dict_sparse_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- property dtype: dtype¶
- extract_cells(ind, invert=False, add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False, pass_cell_data=False)[source]¶
Extract cells by indices.
- Parameters:
ind (sequence[int]) – Numpy array of cell indices to be extracted.
invert (bool, optional [False]) – Invert the selection.
add_original_index (bool, optional [True]) – If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation.
pass_point_data (bool, optional [False]) – If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh.
pass_cell_data (bool, optional [False]) – If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_cell_data from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the cell information of this mesh.
- Returns:
Extracted cells mesh.
- Return type:
- extract_facets(add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False)[source]¶
Extract all internal/external facets of the volume mesh with (n_faces, n_cells)-shaped sparse signed incidence matrix
- Parameters:
add_original_index (bool, optional [True]) – If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation.
pass_point_data (bool, optional [False]) – If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh.
- Returns:
facets – Extracted facets mesh.
- Return type:
- extract_surface(add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False)[source]¶
Extract surface.
- Parameters:
add_original_index (bool, optional [True]) – If True, add original index feature to enable relative incidence matrix computation.
pass_point_data (bool, optional [False]) – If True, the extracted mesh will inherit the dict_point_tensor from this mesh. This parameter is used, for example, when you want to differentiate the metrics of the extracted mesh based on the point information of this mesh.
- Returns:
Extracted surface mesh.
- Return type:
- property n_cells: int¶
- property n_points: int¶
- property points: Tensor¶
- property pvmesh: UnstructuredGrid¶
- save(file_name, *, binary=True, cast=True, remove_time=True, overwrite_features=False, overwrite_file=False)[source]¶
Save mesh data. On writing, dict_point_tensor and dict_cell_tensor will be copied to pyvista mesh.
- Parameters:
file_name (pathlib.Path | str) – File name to be written. If the parent directory does not exist, it will be created.
binary (bool) – If True, write binary file. The default is True.
cast (bool) – If True, cast mesh if needed. The default is True.
remove_time (bool) – If True, remove TimeValue field data.
overwrite_features (bool) – If True, allow overwriting features. The default is False.
overwrite_file (bool) – If True, allow overwriting the file. The default is False.
- send(*, device=None, dtype=None)[source]¶
Convert features to the specified device and dtype. It does not modify pyvista mesh.
- Parameters:
device (torch.device | int | None)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- update_pyvista_data(dict_tensor, pyvista_dataset, *, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Update PyVista dataset with the specified GraphlowDictTensor.
- Parameters:
dict_tensor (graphlow.GraphlowDictTensor) – DataSet to update. Typically dict_point_tensor or dict_cell_tensor.
pyvista_dataset (pyvista.DataSetAttributes) – DataSet to be updated. Typically point_data or cell_data.
overwrite (bool) – If True, allow overwriting exsiting items. The default is False.
graphlow.base.mesh_interface module¶
- class graphlow.base.mesh_interface.IReadOnlyGraphlowMesh[source]¶
- abstract compute_area_vecs()[source]¶
Compute (n_elements, dims)-shaped area vectors.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Return type:
- abstract compute_areas(allow_negative_area=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_elements,)-shaped areas.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Parameters:
allow_negative_area (bool, optional [False])
- Return type:
- abstract compute_cell_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse adjacency matrix including self-loops. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_cell_degree(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped degree matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the degree matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_cell_point_incidence(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_points)-shaped sparse incidence matrix. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the incidence matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_cell_relative_incidence(other_mesh, minimum_n_sharing=None)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells_other, n_cells_self)-shaped sparse incidence matrix based on cells.
- Parameters:
other_mesh (graphlow.GraphlowMesh) – Other mesh object to be
minimum_n_sharing (int | None) – Minimum number of sharing points to define connectivity. If not set, it will be the number of points for each cell.
- Returns:
(n_cells_other, n_cells_self)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_facet_cell_incidence(cache=True)[source]¶
Compute (n_facets, n_cells)-shaped sparse incidence matrix.
- Parameters:
cache (bool, optional [True]) – If True, the result is cached.
- Returns:
(n_facets, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_isoAM(with_moment_matrix=True, consider_volume=False)[source]¶
Compute (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped isoAM.
- Parameters:
with_moment_matrix (bool, optional [True]) – If True, scale the matrix with moment matrices, which are tensor products of relative position tensors.
consider_volume (bool, optional [False]) – If True, consider effective volume of each vertex.
- Returns:
isoAM (torch.Tensor | None) – (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor
Minv (torch.Tensor | None) –
- if with_moment_matrix is True,
return (n_points, dims, dims)-shaped tensor
- if with_moment_matrix is False,
return None
- Return type:
tuple[Tensor, Tensor | None]
- abstract compute_isoAM_with_neumann(normal_weight=10.0, with_moment_matrix=True, consider_volume=False)[source]¶
Compute (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped Neumann boundary model IsoAM.
- Parameters:
normal_weight (float, optional [10.0]) – Weight of the normal vector.
with_moment_matrix (bool, optional [True]) – If True, scale the matrix with moment matrices, which are tensor products of relative position tensors.
consider_volume (bool, optional [False]) – If True, consider effective volume of each vertex.
- Returns:
NIsoAM (torch.Tensor) – (dims, n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor
weighted_normals (torch.Tensor) – (n_points, dims)-shaped tensor
Minv (torch.Tensor | None) –
- if with_moment_matrix is True,
return (n_points, dims, dims)-shaped tensor
- if with_moment_matrix is False,
return None
- Return type:
tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor | None]
- abstract compute_median(data, mode='elemental', n_hop=1)[source]¶
Perform median filter according with adjacency of the mesh.
- Parameters:
data (torch.Tensor) – data to be filtered.
mode (str, "elemental", or "nodal", default: "elemental") – specify the mode of the data.
n_hop (int, optional [1]) – The number of hops to make filtering.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_normalized_cell_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_cells, n_cells)-shaped normalized adjacency matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the normalized adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_cells, n_cells)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_normalized_point_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped normalized adjacency matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the normalized adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_normals()[source]¶
Compute (n_elements, dims)-shaped normals.
Available celltypes are: VTK_TRIANGLE, VTK_QUAD, VTK_POLYGON
- Return type:
- abstract compute_point_adjacency(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse adjacency matrix including self-loops. The method is cached.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the adjacency matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_point_degree(refresh_cache=False)[source]¶
Compute (n_points, n_points)-shaped degree matrix.
- Parameters:
refresh_cache (bool, optional [False]) – If True, recompute the degree matrix. Otherwise, return the cached result if available.
- Returns:
(n_points, n_points)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_point_relative_incidence(other_mesh)[source]¶
Compute (n_points_other, n_points_self)-shaped sparse incidence matrix based on points.
- Parameters:
other_mesh (graphlow.GraphlowMesh) – Other mesh object to be
- Returns:
(n_points_other, n_points_self)-shaped sparse csr tensor.
- Return type:
- abstract compute_volumes(allow_negative_volume=True)[source]¶
Compute (n_elements,)-shaped volumes.
- Parameters:
allow_negative_volume (bool, optional [True]) – If True, compute the signed volume.
- Return type:
- abstract convert_elemental2nodal(elemental_data, mode='mean')[source]¶
Convert elemental data to nodal data.
- Parameters:
elemental_data (torch.Tensor) – elemental data to convert.
mode ("mean", or "effective", default: "mean") – The way to convert. - “mean”: averages the values of elements connected to each node. (default) - “effective”: distributes element information to the connected nodes, ensuring consistent volume.
- Return type:
- abstract convert_nodal2elemental(nodal_data, mode='mean')[source]¶
Convert nodal data to elemental data.
- Parameters:
nodal_data (torch.Tensor) – nodal data to convert.
mode ("mean", or "effective", default: "mean") – The way to convert. - “mean”: averages the values of nodes connected to each element. (default) - “effective”: distributes node information to the connected elements, ensuring consistent volume.
- Return type:
- abstract property device: device¶
- abstract property dict_cell_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- abstract property dict_point_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- abstract property dict_sparse_tensor: GraphlowDictTensor¶
- abstract property dtype: dtype¶
- abstract extract_cells(ind, invert=False, add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False, pass_cell_data=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
ind (Any)
invert (bool)
add_original_index (bool)
pass_point_data (bool)
pass_cell_data (bool)
- Return type:
- abstract extract_facets(add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
add_original_index (bool)
pass_point_data (bool)
- Return type:
- abstract extract_surface(add_original_index=True, pass_point_data=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
add_original_index (bool)
pass_point_data (bool)
- Return type:
- abstract property n_cells: int¶
- abstract property n_points: int¶
- abstract property points: Tensor¶
- abstract property pvmesh: UnstructuredGrid¶
graphlow.base.tensor module¶
- class graphlow.base.tensor.GraphlowTensor(tensor, *, time_series=False, device=-1, dtype=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
tensor (ArrayDataType)
time_series (bool)
device (torch.device | int)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- property device: device¶
- property dtype: dtype¶
- send(*, device=None, dtype=None)[source]¶
Convert tensor to the specified device and dtype.
- Parameters:
device (torch.device | int)
dtype (torch.dtype | type | None)
- property shape: Size¶
- property tensor: Tensor¶
- property time_series: bool¶