siml package¶
- siml.loss_operations package
- siml.networks package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- siml.networks.abstract_equivariant_gnn module
- siml.networks.abstract_gcn module
- siml.networks.activation module
- siml.networks.activations module
- siml.networks.array2diagmat module
- siml.networks.array2symmat module
- siml.networks.boundary module
- siml.networks.concatenator module
- siml.networks.cross_product module
- siml.networks.deepsets module
- siml.networks.einops module
- siml.networks.einsum module
- siml.networks.gcn module
- module
- siml.networks.id_mlp module
- siml.networks.identity module
- siml.networks.implicit_gnn module
- siml.networks.integration module
- siml.networks.iso_gcn module
- siml.networks.lstm module
- siml.networks.message_passing module
- siml.networks.mlp module
- siml.networks.nan_mlp module
- module
- siml.networks.normalized_mlp module
- siml.networks.penn module
- siml.networks.pinv_mlp module
- siml.networks.projection module
- siml.networks.proportional module
- siml.networks.reducer module
- siml.networks.reshape module
- siml.networks.set_transformer module
- siml.networks.share module
- siml.networks.siml_module module
- siml.networks.sparse module
- siml.networks.spmm module
- siml.networks.symmat2array module
- siml.networks.tcn module
- siml.networks.tensor_operations module
- siml.networks.threshold module
- siml.networks.time_norm module
- siml.networks.translator module
- siml.networks.upper_limit module
- Module contents
- siml.path_like_objects package
- siml.preprocessing package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- siml.preprocessing.converted_objects module
- siml.preprocessing.converter module
- siml.preprocessing.scalers_composition module
- siml.preprocessing.scaling_converter module
- Module contents
- package
- Subpackages
- package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- Module contents
- package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- module
- Module contents
- package
- Submodules
- module
- module
- module
- module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- siml.siml_variables package
- siml.update_functions package
- siml.utils package
siml.config module¶
siml.data_parallel module¶
- class siml.data_parallel.DataParallel(module, device_ids=None, output_device=None, dim=0)¶
- scatter(inputs, kwargs, device_ids)¶
- training: bool¶
- siml.data_parallel.scatter_core(inputs, target_gpus, dim=0)¶
- siml.data_parallel.scatter_kwargs(inputs, kwargs, target_gpus, dim=0)¶
siml.datasets module¶
- class siml.datasets.BaseDataset(x_variable_names, y_variable_names, directories, *, supports=None, num_workers=0, allow_no_data=False, recursive=True, decrypt_key=None, required_file_names=None, **kwargs)¶
- class siml.datasets.CollateFunctionGenerator(*, time_series=False, dict_input=False, dict_output=False, use_support=False, element_wise=False, data_parallel=False, input_time_series_keys=None, output_time_series_keys=None, input_time_slices=None, output_time_slices=None)¶
- class siml.datasets.ElementWiseDataset(x_variable_names, y_variable_names, directories, *, supports=None, num_workers=0, allow_no_data=False, **kwargs)¶
- class siml.datasets.LazyDataset(x_variable_names, y_variable_names, directories, *, supports=None, num_workers=0, allow_no_data=False, recursive=True, decrypt_key=None, required_file_names=None, **kwargs)¶
- class siml.datasets.OnMemoryDataset(x_variable_names, y_variable_names, directories, *, supports=None, num_workers=0, allow_no_data=False, **kwargs)¶
- class siml.datasets.PreprocessDataset(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class siml.datasets.SimplifiedDataset(x_variable_names, y_variable_names, raw_dict_x, supports: list[str] | None = None, *, answer_raw_dict_y=None, num_workers: int = 0, directories: list[pathlib.Path] | None = None, **kwargs)¶
- siml.datasets.convert_sparse_info(sparse_info, device=None, non_blocking=False)¶
- siml.datasets.convert_sparse_tensor(sparse_info, device=None, non_blocking=False, merge=False)¶
Convert sparse info to torch.Tensor which is sparse.
- Parameters:
sparse_info (list[list[dict[str: torch.Tensor]]]) – Sparse data which has: row, col, values, size in COO format.
non_blocking (bool, optional) – Dummy parameter to have unified interface with ignite.utils.convert_tensor.
merge (bool, optional) – If True, create large sparse tensor merged in the diag direction.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- siml.datasets.merge_sparse_tensors(stripped_sparse_info, *, return_coo=True)¶
Merge sparse tensors.
- Parameters:
stripped_sparse_info (list[dict[str: torch.Tensor]]) – Sparse data which has: row, col, values, size in COO format.
return_coo (bool) – If True, return torch.sparse_coo_tensor. Else, return sparse info dict. The default is True.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- siml.datasets.pad_sparse(sparse, length=None)¶
Pad sparse matrix.
- Parameters:
sparse (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) –
length (int) –
- Returns:
padded_sparse – NOTE: So far dict is returned due to the lack of DataLoader support for sparse tensor . The dict will be converted to the sparse tensor at the timing of prepare_batch is called.
- Return type:
siml.inferer module¶
- class siml.inferer.Inferer(main_setting: MainSetting, *, scalers: ScalersComposition | None = None, model_path: Path | None = None, converter_parameters_pkl: Path | None = None, load_function: ILoadFunction | None = None, data_addition_function: IFEMDataAdditionFunction | None = None, save_function: IInfererSaveFunction | None = None, user_loss_function_dic: dict[str, Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] | None = None, decrypt_key: bytes | None = None)¶
- deploy(output_directory: Path, encrypt_key: bytes | None = None)¶
Deploy model information.
- Parameters:
output_directory (pathlib.Path) – Output directory path.
encrypt_key (bytes, optional) – Key to encrypt model data. If not fed, the model data will not be encrypted.
- classmethod from_model_directory(model_directory: Path, converter_parameters_pkl: Path | None = None, model_select_method: str = 'best', decrypt_key: bytes | None = None, infer_epoch: int | None = None, main_setting: MainSetting | None = None, **kwargs)¶
Load model data from a deployed directory.
- Parameters:
model_directory (str or pathlib.Path) – Model directory created with Inferer.deploy().
model_path (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) – If fed, overwrite path to model file, by default None
converter_parameters_pkl (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) –
- If fed, overwrite path to pkl file of scaling parameters,
by default None
decrypt_key (bytes, optional) – Key to decrypt model data. If not fed, and the data is encrypted, ValueError is raised.
model_select_method (str, optional) – method name to select model. By default, best
infer_epoch (int, optional) – If fed, model which corresponds to infer_epoch is used.
main_setting (setting.MainSetting) –
- If fed, use it as settings. If not fed, main settings are
loaded from model_directory
- Returns:
Inferer object
- Return type:
- infer(*, data_directories: list[pathlib.Path] | None = None, output_directory_base: Path | None = None, output_all: bool = False, save_summary: bool | None = True, debug_output_directory: Path | None = None)¶
Perform infererence.
- Parameters:
data_directories (list[pathlib.Path], optional) – List of data directories. Data is searched recursively. The default is an empty list.
output_directory_base (pathlib.Path, optional) – If fed, overwrite self.setting.inferer.output_directory_base
output_all (bool, optional. Dafault False) – If True, return all of results including not preprocessed predicted data
save (bool, optional. Default None) – If fed, overwrite save option in main setting
save_summary (bool, optional. Default True) – If True, save summary information
- Returns:
inference_results –
- Inference results contains:
dict_x: input and variables
dict_y: inferred variables
dict_answer: answer variables (None if not found)
loss: Loss value (scaled)
raw_loss: Loss in a raw scale
fem_data: FEMData object
output_directory: Output directory path
data_directory: Input directory path
inference_time: Inference time
- Return type:
- infer_dataset(preprocess_dataset: PreprocessDataset, output_directory_base: Path | None = None, save_summary: bool | None = True, debug_output_directory: Path | None = None) list[dict] ¶
Perform inference for datasets
- Parameters:
preprocess_dataset (datasets.PreprocessDataset) – dataset of preprocessed data
output_directory_base (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) – base output directory, by default None
save_summary (Optional[bool], optional) – If fed, overwrite save option. by default None
- Returns:
inference_results –
- Inference results contains:
dict_x: input and variables
dict_y: inferred variables
dict_answer: answer variables (None if not found)
loss: Loss value (scaled)
raw_loss: Loss in a raw scale
fem_data: FEMData object
output_directory: Output directory path
data_directory: Input directory path
inference_time: Inference time
- Return type:
- infer_dict_data(scaled_dict_x: dict, *, data_directory: Path | None = None, scaled_dict_answer: dict | None = None, save_summary: bool | None = True, base_fem_data: FEMData | None = None, debug_output_directory: Path | None = None, core_inferer: CoreInferer | None = None)¶
Infer with dictionary data.
- Parameters:
scaled_dict_x (dict) – Dict of scaled x data.
data_directory (pathlib.Path, optional) – path to directory of simulation files
scaled_dict_answer (dict, optional) – Dict of answer scaled y data.
save_summary (bool, default True) – If True, save summary information of inference
base_fem_data (femio.FEMData, optional) – If fed, inference results are registered to base_fem_data and saved as a file.
core_inferer (CoreInferer, optional) – If fed, use the given inferer for prediction.
- Returns:
inference_result –
- Inference results contains:
dict_x: input and answer variables
dict_y: inferred variables
loss: Loss value (scaled)
raw_loss: Loss in a raw scale
fem_data: FEMData object
output_directory: Output directory path
data_directory: Input directory path
inference_time: Inference time
- Return type:
- infer_parameter_study(model, data_directories, *, n_interpolation=100, converter_parameters_pkl=None)¶
Infer with performing parameter study. Parameter study is done with the data generated by interpolating the input data_directories.
- Parameters:
model (pathlib.Path or io.BufferedIOBase, optional) – Model directory, file path, or buffer. If not fed, TrainerSetting.pretrain_directory will be used.
data_directories (list[pathlib.Path]) – List of data directories.
n_interpolation (int, optional) – The number of points used for interpolation.
- Returns:
interpolated_input_dict (dict) – Input data dict generated by interpolation.
output_dict (dict) – Output data dict generated by inference.
- classmethod read_settings_file(settings_yaml: Path, model_path: Path | None = None, converter_parameters_pkl: Path | None = None, **kwargs) Inferer ¶
Read settings.yaml to generate Inferer object.
- Parameters:
settings_yaml (pathlib.Path) – Path to yaml file of setting
model_path (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) – If fed, overwrite path to model file, by default None
converter_parameters_pkl (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) –
- If fed, overwrite path to pkl file of scaling parameters,
by default None
- Returns:
Inferer object
- Return type:
- class siml.inferer.WholeInferProcessor(main_setting: MainSetting, model_path: Path | None = None, converter_parameters_pkl: Path | None = None, conversion_function: IConvertFunction | None = None, load_function: ILoadFunction | None = None, data_addition_function: IFEMDataAdditionFunction | None = None, save_function: IInfererSaveFunction | None = None, user_loss_function_dic: dict[str, Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] | None = None)¶
- run(data_directories: list[pathlib.Path] | Path, output_directory_base: Path | None = None, perform_preprocess: bool = True, save_summary: bool | None = True, debug_output_directory: Path | None = None) dict ¶
run whole inference processes.
- Parameters:
data_directories (Union[list[pathlib.Path], pathlib.Path]) – pathes to data
output_directory_base (Optional[pathlib.Path], optional) – path to parent directory of cases, by default None
perform_preprocess (bool, optional) – If True, perform preprocessing and scaling, by default True
save (Optional[bool], optional) – If True, save items, by default None
debug_output_directory (Optional[pathlib.Path]) – If fed, output debug information
- Returns:
dictionary of results
- Return type:
- run_dict_data(raw_dict_x: dict, *, answer_raw_dict_y: dict | None = None, perform_preprocess: bool = True, debug_output_directory: Path | None = None) dict ¶
- Parameters:
raw_dict_x (dict) – Dict of raw x data.
answer_raw_dict_y (Optional[dict], optional) – Dict of raw answer y data, by default None
perform_preprocess (bool, optional) – If True, perform scaling. by default True
- Returns:
dictionary of result
- Return type:
siml.mains module¶
- siml.mains.convert_raw_data(add_argument=None, conversion_function=None, filter_function=None, load_function=None, **kwargs)¶
siml.optimize module¶
siml.prepost module¶
Module for preprocessing.
- siml.prepost.analyze_data_directories(data_directories, x_names, f_names, *, n_split=10, n_bin=20, out_directory=None, ref_index=0, plot=True, symmetric=False, magnitude_range=1.0)¶
Analyze data f_name with grid over x_name.
- Parameters:
data_directories (list[pathlib.Path]) – List of data directories.
x_names (list[str]) – Names of x variables.
f_names (list[str]) – Name of f variable.
n_split (int, optional) – The number to split x space.
n_bin (int, optional) – The number of bins to draw histogram
out_directory (pathlib.Path, optional) – Output directory path. By default no output is written.
ref_index (int, optional) – Reference data directory index to analyze data.
plot (bool, optional) – If True, plot data by grid.
symmetric (bool, optional) – If True, take plot range symmetric.
magnitude_range (float, optional) – Magnitude to be multiplied to the range of plot.
- siml.prepost.concatenate_preprocessed_data(preprocessed_base_directories, output_directory_base, variable_names, *, ratios=(0.9, 0.05, 0.05), overwrite=False, finished_file='preprocessed')¶
Concatenate preprocessed data in the element direction.
NOTE: It may lead data leakage so it is just for research use.
- Parameters:
preprocessed_base_directories (pathlib.Path or list[pathlib.Path]) – Base directory name of preprocessed data.
output_directory_base (pathlib.Path) – Base directory of output. Inside of it, train, validation, and test directories will be created.
variable_names (list[str]) – Variable names to be concatenated.
ratios (list[float], optional) – Ratio to split data.
overwrite (bool, optional) – If True, overwrite output data.
- siml.prepost.normalize_adjacency_matrix(adj)¶
Symmetrically normalize adjacency matrix.
- Parameters:
adj (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) – Adjacency matrix in COO expression.
- Returns:
normalized_adj – Normalized adjacency matrix in COO expression.
- Return type:
- siml.prepost.split_data_arrays(xs, fs, *, n_split=10, ref_index=0)¶
Split data fs with regards to grids of xs.
- Parameters:
xs (list[numpy.ndarray]) – n_sample-length list contains (n_element, dim_x) shaped ndarray.
fs (list[numpy.ndarray]) – n_sample-length list contains (n_element, dim_f) shaped ndarray.
n_split (int, optional) – The number to split x space.
siml.setting module¶
- class siml.setting.BlockSetting(name: str = 'Block', is_first: bool = False, is_last: bool = False, type: str = None, destinations: list = <factory>, residual: bool = False, reference_block_name: str = None, activation_after_residual: bool = True, allow_linear_residual: bool = False, bias: bool = True, input_slice: slice = slice(0, None, 1), input_indices: list = None, input_keys: list = None, input_names: list = None, output_key: str = None, support_input_index: int = None, support_input_indices: list = None, nodes: list = <factory>, kernel_sizes: list = None, activations: list = <factory>, dropouts: list = None, device: int = None, coeff: float = None, time_series: bool = False, no_grad: bool = False, weight_norm: bool = False, losses: list = <factory>, clip_grad_value: float = None, clip_grad_norm: float = None, optional: dict = <factory>, hidden_nodes: int = None, hidden_layers: int = None, hidden_activation: str = 'relu', output_activation: str = 'identity', input_dropout: float = 0.0, hidden_dropout: float = 0.0, output_dropout: float = 0.0)¶
- activation_after_residual: bool = True¶
- activations: list[str]¶
- allow_linear_residual: bool = False¶
- bias: bool = True¶
- clip_grad_norm: float = None¶
- clip_grad_value: float = None¶
- coeff: float = None¶
- destinations: list[str]¶
- device: int = None¶
- dropouts: list[float] = None¶
- input_dropout: float = 0.0¶
- input_indices: list[int] = None¶
- input_keys: list[str] = None¶
- input_names: list[str] = None¶
- input_slice: slice = slice(0, None, 1)¶
- is_first: bool = False¶
- is_last: bool = False¶
- kernel_sizes: list[int] = None¶
- property loss_names¶
- losses: list[dict]¶
- name: str = 'Block'¶
- no_grad: bool = False¶
- nodes: list[int]¶
- optional: dict¶
- output_activation: str = 'identity'¶
- output_dropout: float = 0.0¶
- output_key: str = None¶
- reference_block_name: str = None¶
- residual: bool = False¶
- support_input_index: int = None¶
- support_input_indices: list[int] = None¶
- time_series: bool = False¶
- type: str = None¶
- weight_norm: bool = False¶
- class siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting(variables: Union[list[siml.setting.VariableSetting], dict[str, list[siml.setting.VariableSetting]]] = <factory>, super_post_init: bool = True)¶
- collect_values(key, *, default=None)¶
- property dims¶
- get_time_series_keys()¶
- property is_dict¶
- property length¶
- property names¶
- strip()¶
- super_post_init: bool = True¶
- property time_series¶
- property time_slice¶
- to_dict()¶
- variables: list[siml.setting.VariableSetting] | dict[str, list[siml.setting.VariableSetting]]¶
- class siml.setting.ConversionSetting(mandatory_variables: list[str] = <factory>, optional_variables: list[str] = <factory>, mandatory: list[str] = <factory>, optional: list[str] = <factory>, output_base_directory: ~pathlib.Path | str | None = None, finished_file: str = 'converted', file_type: str = 'fistr', required_file_names: list[str] = <factory>, skip_femio: bool = False, time_series: bool = False, save_femio: bool = False, skip_save: bool = False, max_process: int = 1000)¶
Dataclass for raw data converter.
- Parameters:
mandatory_variables (list[str]) – Mandatory variable names. If any of them are not found, ValueError is raised.
mandatory (list[str]) – An alias of mandatory_variables.
optional_variables (list[str]) – Optional variable names. If any of them are not found, they are ignored.
optional (list[str]) – An alias of optional_variables.
output_base_directory (str or pathlib.Path, optional) – Output base directory for the converted raw data. By default, ‘data/interim’ is the output base directory, so ‘data/interim/aaa/bbb’ directory is the output directory for ‘data/raw/aaa/bbb’ directory.
finished_file (str, optional) – File name to indicate that the conversion is finished.
file_type (str, optional) – File type to be read.
required_file_names (list[str], optional) – Required file names.
skip_femio (bool, optional) – If True, skip femio.FEMData reading process. Useful for user-defined data format such as csv, h5, etc.
time_series (bool, optional) – If True, make femio parse time series data.
save_femio (bool, optional) – If True, save femio data in the interim directories.
skip_save (bool, optional) – If True, skip SiML’s default saving function.
max_process (int, optional) – Maximum number of processes.
- file_type: str = 'fistr'¶
- finished_file: str = 'converted'¶
- mandatory: list[str]¶
- mandatory_variables: list[str]¶
- max_process: int = 1000¶
- optional: list[str]¶
- optional_variables: list[str]¶
- output_base_directory: Path | str | None = None¶
- classmethod read_settings_yaml(settings_yaml)¶
- required_file_names: list[str]¶
- save_femio: bool = False¶
- property should_load_mandatory_variables: bool¶
- skip_femio: bool = False¶
- skip_save: bool = False¶
- time_series: bool = False¶
- class siml.setting.DBSetting(servername: str = '', username: str = '', password: str = '', use_sqlite: bool = False)¶
- password: str = ''¶
- servername: str = ''¶
- use_sqlite: bool = False¶
- username: str = ''¶
- class siml.setting.DataSetting(raw: list = <factory>, interim: list = <factory>, preprocessed: list = <factory>, inferred: list = <factory>, train: list = <factory>, validation: list = <factory>, develop: list = <factory>, test: list = <factory>, pad: bool = False, encrypt_key: bytes = None)¶
- develop: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- encrypt_key: bytes = None¶
- inferred: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- property inferred_root¶
- interim: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- property interim_root¶
- pad: bool = False¶
- preprocessed: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- property preprocessed_root¶
- raw: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- property raw_root¶
- test: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- train: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- validation: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- class siml.setting.GroupSetting(blocks: list, name: str = 'GROUP', inputs: siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting = <factory>, support_inputs: list = None, outputs: siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting = <factory>, repeat: int = 1, convergence_threshold: float = None, mode: str = 'simple', debug: bool = False, time_series_length: int = None, optional: dict = <factory>)¶
- blocks: list[siml.setting.BlockSetting]¶
- convergence_threshold: float = None¶
- debug: bool = False¶
- property input_dims¶
- property input_length¶
- property input_names¶
- inputs: CollectionVariableSetting¶
- mode: str = 'simple'¶
- name: str = 'GROUP'¶
- optional: dict¶
- property output_dims¶
- property output_length¶
- property output_names¶
- outputs: CollectionVariableSetting¶
- repeat: int = 1¶
- support_inputs: list[str] = None¶
- time_series_length: int = None¶
- class siml.setting.InfererSetting(model: ~pathlib.Path = None, save: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, output_directory: ~pathlib.Path = None, output_directory_base: ~pathlib.Path = PosixPath('data/inferred'), data_directories: list[pathlib.Path] = <factory>, write_simulation: bool = False, write_npy: bool = True, write_yaml: bool = True, write_simulation_base: ~pathlib.Path = None, write_simulation_stem: ~pathlib.Path = None, read_simulation_type: str = 'fistr', write_simulation_type: str = 'fistr', converter_parameters_pkl: ~pathlib.Path = None, convert_to_order1: bool = False, accomodate_length: int = 0, perform_preprocess: bool = False, perform_inverse: bool = True, return_all_results: bool = True, model_key: bytes = None, gpu_id: int = -1, less_output: bool = False, skip_fem_data_creation: bool = False, infer_epoch: int = None)¶
- model: pathlib.Path optional
Model directory, file path, or buffer. If not fed, TrainerSetting.pretrain_directory will be used.
- save: bool, optional
If True, save inference results.
- output_directory: pathlib.Path, optional
Output directory path. If fed, output the data in the specified directory. When this is fed, output_directory_base has no effect.
- output_directory_base: pathlib.Path, optional
Output directory base name. If not fed, data/inferred will be the default output directory base.
- data_directories: list[pathlib.Path], optional
Data directories to infer.
- write_simulation: bool, optional
If True, write simulation data file(s) based on the inference.
- write_npy: bool, optional
If True, write npy files of inferences.
- write_yaml: bool, optional
If True, write yaml file used to make inference.
- write_simulation_base: pathlib.Path, optional
Base of simulation data to be used for write_simulation option. If not fed, try to find from the input directories.
- read_simulation_type: str, optional
Simulation file type to read.
- write_simulation_type: str, optional
Simulation file type to write.
- converter_parameters_pkl: pathlib.Path, optional
Pickel file of converter parameters. IF not fed, DataSetting.preprocessed_root is used.
- perform_preprocess: bool, optional
If True, perform preprocess.
- accomodate_length: int
If specified, duplicate initial state to initialize RNN state.
- overwrite: bool
If True, overwrite output.
- return_all_results: bool
If True, return all inference results. Set False if the inference data is too large to fit into the memory available.
- model_key: bytes
If fed, decrypt model file with the key.
- gpu_id: int, optional
GPU ID. Specify non negative value to use GPU. -1 Meaning CPU.
- less_output: bool, optional
If True, output less variables in FEMData object.
- skip_fem_data_creation: bool, optional
If True, skip fem_data object creation.
- accomodate_length: int = 0¶
- convert_to_order1: bool = False¶
- converter_parameters_pkl: Path = None¶
- data_directories: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- gpu_id: int = -1¶
- infer_epoch: int = None¶
- less_output: bool = False¶
- model: Path = None¶
- model_key: bytes = None¶
- output_directory: Path = None¶
- output_directory_base: Path = PosixPath('data/inferred')¶
- overwrite: bool = False¶
- perform_inverse: bool = True¶
- perform_preprocess: bool = False¶
- read_simulation_type: str = 'fistr'¶
- return_all_results: bool = True¶
- save: bool = True¶
- skip_fem_data_creation: bool = False¶
- write_npy: bool = True¶
- write_simulation: bool = False¶
- write_simulation_base: Path = None¶
- write_simulation_stem: Path = None¶
- write_simulation_type: str = 'fistr'¶
- write_yaml: bool = True¶
- class siml.setting.Iter(value)¶
An enumeration.
- MULTIPROCESS = 'multiprocess'¶
- MULTITHREAD = 'multithread'¶
- SERIAL = 'serial'¶
- class siml.setting.MainSetting(data: siml.setting.DataSetting = <factory>, conversion: siml.setting.ConversionSetting = <factory>, preprocess: dict = <factory>, trainer: siml.setting.TrainerSetting = <factory>, inferer: siml.setting.InfererSetting = <factory>, model: siml.setting.ModelSetting = <factory>, optuna: siml.setting.OptunaSetting = <factory>, study: siml.setting.StudySetting = <factory>, replace_preprocessed: bool = False, misc: dict = <factory>)¶
- conversion: ConversionSetting¶
- data: DataSetting¶
- get_crypt_key()¶
- inferer: InfererSetting¶
- misc: dict¶
- model: ModelSetting¶
- optuna: OptunaSetting¶
- preprocess: dict¶
- classmethod read_dict_settings(dict_settings, *, name=None, replace_preprocessed=False)¶
- classmethod read_settings_yaml(settings_yaml: Path, replace_preprocessed=False, *, decrypt_key: bytes | None = None)¶
- replace_preprocessed: bool = False¶
- study: StudySetting¶
- trainer: TrainerSetting¶
- update_with_dict(new_dict)¶
- class siml.setting.ModelSetting(setting=None, blocks=None, groups=None)¶
- blocks: list[siml.setting.BlockSetting]¶
- groups: list[siml.setting.GroupSetting] = None¶
- class siml.setting.OptimizerSetting(lr: float = 0.001, betas: Tuple = (0.9, 0.999), eps: float = 1e-08, weight_decay: float = 0)¶
- betas: Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)¶
- eps: float = 1e-08¶
- lr: float = 0.001¶
- weight_decay: float = 0¶
- class siml.setting.OptunaSetting(n_trial: int = 100, output_base_directory: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('models/optuna'), hyperparameters: list = <factory>, setting: dict = <factory>)¶
- hyperparameters: list[dict]¶
- n_trial: int = 100¶
- output_base_directory: Path = PosixPath('models/optuna')¶
- setting: dict¶
- class siml.setting.PreprocessSetting(preprocess: dict = <factory>)¶
- preprocess: dict¶
- classmethod read_settings_yaml(settings_yaml)¶
- class siml.setting.StudySetting(root_directory: pathlib.Path = None, type: str = 'learning_curve', relative_develop_size_linspace: Tuple = <factory>, n_fold: int = 10, unit_error: str = '-', plot_validation: bool = False, x_from_zero: bool = False, y_from_zero: bool = False, x_logscale: bool = False, y_logscale: bool = False, scale_loss: bool = False)¶
- n_fold: int = 10¶
- plot_validation: bool = False¶
- relative_develop_size_linspace: Tuple¶
- root_directory: Path = None¶
- scale_loss: bool = False¶
- type: str = 'learning_curve'¶
- unit_error: str = '-'¶
- x_from_zero: bool = False¶
- x_logscale: bool = False¶
- y_from_zero: bool = False¶
- y_logscale: bool = False¶
- class siml.setting.TrainerSetting(inputs: ~siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting = <factory>, support_input: str = None, support_inputs: list[str] = None, outputs: ~siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting = <factory>, output_directory_base: ~pathlib.Path = PosixPath('models'), output_directory: ~pathlib.Path = None, name: str = 'default', suffix: str = None, batch_size: int = 1, validation_batch_size: int = None, n_epoch: int = 100, validation_directories: list[pathlib.Path] = <factory>, restart_directory: ~pathlib.Path = None, pretrain_directory: ~pathlib.Path = None, loss_function: str | dict = 'mse', loss_weights: dict[str, float] = None, optimizer: str = 'adam', compute_accuracy: bool = False, model_key: bytes = None, gpu_id: int = -1, log_trigger_epoch: int = 1, stop_trigger_epoch: int = 10, patience: int = 3, optuna_trial: ~optuna.trial._trial.Trial = None, prune: bool = False, snapshot_choise_method: str = 'best', seed: int = 0, element_wise: bool = False, simplified_model: bool = False, time_series: bool = False, element_batch_size: int = -1, validation_element_batch_size: int = None, use_siml_updater: bool = True, iterator: ~siml.setting.Iter = Iter.SERIAL, optimizer_setting: dict = <factory>, lazy: bool = True, num_workers: int = None, display_mergin: int = 4, non_blocking: bool = True, clip_grad_value: float = None, clip_grad_norm: float = None, recursive: bool = True, state_dict_strict: bool = True, train_data_shuffle: bool = True, data_parallel: bool = False, model_parallel: bool = False, draw_network: bool = True, output_stats: bool = False, split_ratio: dict = <factory>, figure_format: str = 'pdf', pseudo_batch_size: int = 0, debug_dataset: bool = False, time_series_split: list[int] = None, time_series_split_evaluation: list[int] = None, loss_slice: slice = <factory>)¶
- inputs: siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting
Variable settings of inputs.
- outputs: siml.setting.CollectionVariableSetting
Variable settings of outputs.
- train_directories: list[str] or pathlib.Path
Training data directories.
- output_directory_base: str or pathlib.Path
Output directory base name.
- output_directory: str or pathlib.Path
Output directory name.
- validation_directories: list[str] or pathlib.Path, optional
Validation data directories.
- restart_directory: str or pathlib.Path, optional
Directory name to be used for restarting.
- pretrain_directory: str or pathlib.Path, optional
Pretrained directory name.
- loss_function: chainer.FunctionNode,
Loss function to be used for training.
- optimizer: chainer.Optimizer, optional
Optimizer to be used for training.
- compute_accuracy: bool, optional
If True, compute accuracy.
- name: str
The name of the study.
- suffix: str
Suffix to be added to the name.
- batch_size: int, optional
Batch size for train dataset.
- validation_batch_size: int, optional
Batch size for validation dataset.
- n_epoch: int, optional
The number of epochs.
- model_key: bytes
If fed, decrypt model file with the key.
- gpu_id: int, optional
GPU ID. Specify non negative value to use GPU. -1 Meaning CPU.
- log_trigger_epoch: int, optional
The interval of logging of training. It is used for logging, plotting, and saving snapshots.
- stop_trigger_epoch: int, optional
The interval to check if training should be stopped. It is used for early stopping and pruning.
- optuna_trial: optuna.Trial, optional
Trial object used to perform optuna hyper parameter tuning.
- prune: bool, optional
If True and optuna_trial is given, prining would be performed.
- seed: str, optional
Random seed.
- element_wise: bool, optional
If True, concatenate data to force element wise training (so no graph information can be used). With this option, element_batch_size will be used for trainer’s batch size as it is “element wise” training.
- element_batch_size: int, optional
If positive, split one mesh int element_batch_size and perform update multiple times for one mesh. In case of element_wise is True, element_batch_size is the batch size in the usual sence.
- validation_element_batch_size: int, optional
element_batch_size for validation dataset.
- simplified_model: bool, optional
If True, regard the target simulation as simplified simulation (so-called “1D simulation”), which focuses on only a few inputs and outputs. The behavior of the trainer will be similar to that with element_wise = True.
- time_series: bool, optional
If True, regard the data as time series. In that case, the data shape will be [seq, batch, element, feature] instead of the default [batch, element, feature] shape.
- lazy: bool, optional
If True, load data lazily.
- num_workers: int, optional
The number of workers to load data.
display_mergin: int, optional non_blocking: bool [True]
If True and this copy is between CPU and GPU, the copy may occur asynchronously with respect to the host. For other cases, this argument has no effect.
- data_parallel: bool [False]
If True, perform data parallel on GPUs.
- model_parallel: bool [False]
If True, perform model parallel on GPUs.
- draw_network: bool [True]
If True, draw network (requireing graphviz).
- output_stats: bool [False]
If True, output stats of training (like mean of weight, grads, …)
- split_ratio: dict[str, float]
If fed, split the data into train, validation, and test at the beginning of the training. Should be {‘validation’: float, ‘test’: float} dict.
- figure_format: str
The format of the figure. The default is ‘pdf’.
- clip_grad_value: float
If fed, apply gradient clipping by value.
- clip_grad_norm: float
If fed, apply gradient clipping with norm.
- recursive: bool
If True, search data recursively.
- time_series_split: list[int]
If fed, split time series with [start, step, length].
- loss_slice: slice
Slice to be applied to loss computation.
- state_dict_strict: bool
It will be passed to torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict.
- batch_size: int = 1¶
- clip_grad_norm: float = None¶
- clip_grad_value: float = None¶
- compute_accuracy: bool = False¶
- data_parallel: bool = False¶
- debug_dataset: bool = False¶
- determine_batch_sizes() tuple[int, int] ¶
- determine_element_wise() bool ¶
- display_mergin: int = 4¶
- draw_network: bool = True¶
- element_batch_size: int = -1¶
- element_wise: bool = False¶
- figure_format: str = 'pdf'¶
- get_input_time_series_keys() list[str] ¶
- get_output_time_series_keys() list[str] ¶
- gpu_id: int = -1¶
- property input_dims¶
- property input_is_dict¶
- property input_length¶
- property input_names¶
- property input_names_list¶
- inputs: CollectionVariableSetting¶
- lazy: bool = True¶
- log_trigger_epoch: int = 1¶
- loss_function: str | dict = 'mse'¶
- loss_slice: slice¶
- loss_weights: dict[str, float] = None¶
- model_key: bytes = None¶
- model_parallel: bool = False¶
- n_epoch: int = 100¶
- name: str = 'default'¶
- non_blocking: bool = True¶
- num_workers: int = None¶
- optimizer: str = 'adam'¶
- optimizer_setting: dict¶
- optuna_trial: Trial = None¶
- property output_dims¶
- output_directory: Path = None¶
- output_directory_base: Path = PosixPath('models')¶
- property output_is_dict¶
- property output_length¶
- property output_names¶
- property output_names_list¶
- property output_skips¶
- output_stats: bool = False¶
- outputs: CollectionVariableSetting¶
- property overwrite_restart_mode¶
- patience: int = 3¶
- pretrain_directory: Path = None¶
- prune: bool = False¶
- pseudo_batch_size: int = 0¶
- recursive: bool = True¶
- restart_directory: Path = None¶
- seed: int = 0¶
- simplified_model: bool = False¶
- snapshot_choise_method: str = 'best'¶
- split_ratio: dict¶
- state_dict_strict: bool = True¶
- stop_trigger_epoch: int = 10¶
- suffix: str = None¶
- support_input: str = None¶
- support_inputs: list[str] = None¶
- time_series: bool = False¶
- time_series_split: list[int] = None¶
- time_series_split_evaluation: list[int] = None¶
- train_data_shuffle: bool = True¶
- update_output_directory(*, id_=None, base=None)¶
- update_time_series(variables)¶
- use_siml_updater: bool = True¶
- validation_batch_size: int = None¶
- validation_directories: list[pathlib.Path]¶
- validation_element_batch_size: int = None¶
- property variable_information¶
- class siml.setting.TypedDataClass¶
- convert()¶
Convert all fields accordingly with their type definitions.
- classmethod read_settings_yaml(settings_yaml)¶
- to_dict()¶
- validate()¶
- class siml.setting.VariableSetting(name: str = 'variable', dim: int = 1, shape: list[int] = <factory>, skip: bool = False, time_series: bool = False, time_slice: slice = <factory>)¶
- name: str
The name of the variable.
- dim: int
The number of the feature of the variable. For higher tensor variables, it should be the dimension of the last index.
- shape: list[int]
The shape of the tensor.
- skip: bool
If True, skip the variable for loss computation or convergence computation.
- time_series: bool
If True, regard it as a time series.
- time_slice: list[int]
Slice for time series.
- dim: int = 1¶
- get(key, default=None)¶
- name: str = 'variable'¶
- shape: list[int]¶
- skip: bool = False¶
- time_series: bool = False¶
- time_slice: slice¶
- siml.setting.dump_yaml(data_class, stream)¶
Write YAML file of the specified dataclass object.
- Parameters:
data_class (dataclasses.dataclass) – DataClass object to write.
stream (File or stream) – Stream to write.
- siml.setting.write_yaml(data_class, file_name, *, overwrite=False, key=None)¶
Write YAML file of the specified dataclass object.
- Parameters:
data_class (dataclasses.dataclass) – DataClass object to write.
file_name (str or pathlib.Path) – YAML file name to write.
overwrite (bool, optional) – If True, overwrite file.
key (bytes) – Key for encription. module¶
siml.trainer module¶
- class siml.trainer.Trainer(main_settings: MainSetting, *, optuna_trial=None, user_loss_function_dic: dict[str, Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] | None = None)¶
- evaluate(evaluate_test: bool = False, load_best_model: bool = False) tuple[ignite.engine.engine.State, Optional[ignite.engine.engine.State], Optional[ignite.engine.engine.State]] ¶
Evaluate model performance
- Parameters:
evaluate_test (bool, optional) – If True, evaluation by test dataset is performed, by default False
load_best_model (bool, optional) – If True, best model is used to evaluate, by default False
- Returns:
ignite State objects for train, validation and test dataset
- Return type:
tuple[State, Union[State, None], Union[State, None]]
- train(draw_model: bool = True) float ¶
Start training
- Parameters:
draw_model (bool, optional) – If True, output figure of models, by default True
- Returns:
loss for validaiton data
- Return type:
siml.util module¶
- class siml.util.VariableMask(skips, dims, is_dict=None, *, invert=False)¶
- siml.util.cat_time_series(x, time_series_keys)¶
- siml.util.collect_data_directories(base_directory, *, required_file_names=None, allow_no_data=False, pattern=None, inverse_pattern=None, toplevel=True, print_state=False)¶
Collect data directories recursively from the base directory.
- Parameters:
base_directory (pathlib.Path) – Base directory to search directory from.
required_file_names (list[str]) – If given, return only directories which have required files.
pattern (str) – If given, return only directories which match the pattern.
inverse_pattern (str, optional) – If given, return only files which DO NOT match the pattern.
print_state (bool, optional) – If True, print state of the search
- Returns:
found_directories – All found directories.
- Return type:
- siml.util.collect_files(directories, required_file_names, *, pattern=None, allow_no_data=False, inverse_pattern=None)¶
Collect data files recursively from the base directory.
- Parameters:
base_directory (pathlib.Path or list[pathlib.Path]) – Base directory to search directory from.
required_file_names (list[str]) – File names.
pattern (str, optional) – If given, return only files which match the pattern.
inverse_pattern (str, optional) – If given, return only files which DO NOT match the pattern.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- siml.util.concatenate_variable(variables)¶
- siml.util.date_string()¶
- siml.util.debug_if_necessary(method: Callable)¶
- siml.util.decrypt_file(key, file_name, return_stringio=False)¶
Decrypt data file.
- Parameters:
key (bytes) – Key for decryption.
file_path (str or pathlib.Path) – File path of the encrypted data.
return_stringio (bool, optional) – If True, return io.StrintIO instead of io.BytesIO.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- siml.util.determine_max_process(max_process=None)¶
Determine maximum number of processes.
- Parameters:
max_process (int, optional) – Input maximum process.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- siml.util.directory_have_files(directory, files)¶
- siml.util.encrypt_file(key, file_path, binary)¶
Encrypt data and then save to a file.
- Parameters:
key (bytes) – Key for encription.
file_path (str or pathlib.Path) – File path to save.
binary (io.BytesIO) – Data content.
- siml.util.files_exist(directory, file_names)¶
Check if files exist in the specified directory.
- Parameters:
directory (pathlib.Path) –
file_names (list[str]) –
- Returns:
files_exist – True if all files exist. Otherwise False.
- Return type:
- siml.util.files_match(file_names, required_file_names)¶
Check if file names match.
- Parameters:
file_names (list[str]) –
file_names –
- Returns:
files_match – True if all files match. Otherwise False.
- Return type:
- siml.util.get_top_directory() Path ¶
Return path of the top-level directory of the working tree
- Returns:
path of the top-level directory of the working tree
- Return type:
- siml.util.load_variable(data_directory: Path, file_basename: str, *, allow_missing: bool = False, check_nan: bool = False, decrypt_key: bytes | None = None) ndarray | coo_matrix ¶
Load variable data.
- Parameters:
output_directory (pathlib.Path) – Directory path.
file_basename (str) – File base name without extenstion.
allow_missing (bool, optional) – If True, return None when the corresponding file is missing. Otherwise, raise ValueError.
decrypt_key (bytes, optional) – If fed, it is used to decrypt the file.
- Returns:
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
- siml.util.load_yaml(source)¶
Load YAML source.
- Parameters:
source (File-like object or str or pathlib.Path) –
- Returns:
dict_data – YAML contents.
- Return type:
- siml.util.load_yaml_file(file_name)¶
Load YAML file.
- Parameters:
file_name (str or pathlib.Path) – YAML file name.
- Returns:
dict_data – YAML contents.
- Return type:
- siml.util.pad_array(array, n)¶
Pad array to the size n.
- Parameters:
array (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) – Input array of size (m, f1, f2, …) for numpy.ndarray or (m. m) for scipy.sparse.coomatrix
n (int) – Size after padding. n should be equal to or larger than m.
- Returns:
padded_array – Padded array of size (n, f1, f2, …) for numpy.ndarray or (n, n) for scipy.sparse.coomatrix.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
- siml.util.save_variable(output_directory, file_basename, data, *, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, encrypt_key=None)¶
Save variable data.
- Parameters:
output_directory (pathlib.Path) – Save directory path.
file_basename (str) – Save file base name without extenstion.
data (np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) – Data to be saved.
dtype (type, optional) – Data type to be saved.
encrypt_key (bytes, optional) – Data for encryption.
- Return type:
- siml.util.split_data(list_directories, *, validation=0.1, test=0.1, shuffle=True)¶
Split list of data directories into train, validation, and test.
- Parameters:
list_directories (list[pathlib.Path]) – List of data directories.
validation (float, optional) – The ratio of the validation dataset size.
test (float, optional) – The ratio of the test dataset size.
shuffle (bool, optional) – If True, shuffle list_directories.
- Returns:
train_directories (list[pathlib.Path])
validation_directories (list[pathlib.Path])
test_directories (list[pathlib.Path])
Module contents¶
- siml.get_version()¶