MONOlithic LInear equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
BLAS Lv1 vector operations. More...
Modules | |
monolish::blas::copy (vector) | |
vector copy (y=x) | |
monolish::blas::vecadd | |
element by element addition of vector a and vector b. | |
monolish::blas::vecsub | |
element by element subtract of vector a and vector b. | |
monolish::blas::times | |
element by element multiplication | |
monolish::blas::asum | |
vector absolute sum | |
monolish::blas::sum | |
vector sum | |
monolish::blas::axpy | |
axpy: y = ax + y | |
monolish::blas::axpyz | |
axpy: z = ax + y | |
monolish::blas::dot | |
inner product (dot) | |
monolish::blas::nrm1 | |
nrm1: sum(abs(x[0:N])) | |
monolish::blas::nrm2 | |
nrm2: ||x||_2 | |
monolish::blas::scal | |
scal: x = alpha * x | |
monolish::blas::xpay | |
xpay: y = x + ay | |
BLAS Lv1 vector operations.